Friday, 26 October 2012

life update AGAIN and sorry for being shite

I remember when I would post a new blog I'd get HUNDREDS (well, one or two) tweets at me congratulating me on how much of an excellent human being I am and how HILARIOUS my blogs are.

I miss this, I really do - my ego cries every day over the lack of compliments I get - but to tell you the truth I've become really disinterested with catsandknitting and the whole blogging lark - you can call it 'uninspired' or 'writers block' (pretty severe writers block, seeing as I haven't done a blog since June or whatever, heyho).

I really hate it when blogs and 'bloggers' (I hate the term) write posts saying sorry for the lack of posts - but I'm just really bored with the whole thing. I think it's obvious when you read back through my posts that they became a lot less funny and a lot more... forced the more recent they get.
I started opening up 'new post' and just staring at it with nothing to say or type - I used to be able to type up a blog in around 10 minutes but the more recent ones started taking days, with endless tweaking and "arg, i'm not happy with this"-ness...

I'll pick up again one day, but for now you can follow me on twitter here  or behind the bins where I live.. I dunno, whatever floats ya boat.