My good friend Jess is currently in the process of getting signed to some big record label. She's an amazing singer, like a properly amazingly talented singer - kind of like an angel, if angels had Swindon accents.
I've known her since I was about 7 and we were amazingly close throughout secondary school and seeing her get all sucessful and musical is going to be so bloody weird- up until year 10 I swear she didn't know how to put a pizza in the oven.
I had the thought earlier yesterday to interview her now and one year in the future to see how her outlooks on everything have changed, or even if they have.
Jessiwess. To star off with how, or what do you picture yourself doing in one years time?
Well, in a years time, I picture myself touring and recording with my band, Stef P Alex Stone and Andy Vincent, I want to be stood beside bands like Bon Iver, Iron & Wine and Damien Rice: all amazing musicians. I want to be on a stage, singing one of our songs, and then I want to stop singing, and have the crowd sing it back to me. Thousands of people I've never met singing a song I wrote when I was more then likely sat on my spinny chair having a cheeky spin. That would be INCREDIBLE.
I love watching it on TV when they do that, they always seem to focus on some idiot mouthing shapes because they don't know the words. Anyway, have you got any idea what is going to be happening yet? As in things like tour dates or when an album is materialising and stuff? More importantly though, are you going to be dying your hair blonde?
Haha! I hope to god my hair doesnt go blonde! I've got crazy dark eye brows so I'd look like a right weirdo. No, no dates are set yet, I know I have song writing sessions in London, photo shoots with the band, I havent got a set time period for the recording of my album, that'll start when they have my whole image sorted out. For now I think its all about gigging in London infront of the industry people, and creating a fan base, then the photos and videos start.
How much of your image are they wanting to change? Be completely honest, are you worried about going through the whole makeover thing, what if they make you look like a tit?!
I'm not worried about image really, ive gone over it with them and i sent them images that i want to sort of be perceived as, and they are keeping my country bumpkin'nessin me haha, the girl from the village no ones heard of kind of look. A a hair cut would be wonderful, havent had one of those in a good few months - starting to look quite like a bush, I wont lie.
Music critics can be really cruel middle aged men who enjoy putting all music down that isn't Madonna or Oasis, because you're neither and you're very young are you worried about recieving critisism?
I'm not worried about critism, if anything, I'm excited, because at the end of the day thats going to push me more - if it doesnt, then I'll know im not strong enough for the industry.
Is there in paticular one person, musically who stands out to you as your greatest influence? For instance was there any musician, song or album that really pushed or inspired you to sing and write music?
I have a fair few to pick from, for so many different reasons. A song called Blowers Daughter by Damien Rice inspires me with the music side of song writing, because every instrument and every line and every riff is absoloutely stunning and so clever - so that sort of song inspires me with the music. Then theres artists like Bon Iver- Justin the singer is an actual lyrical genius. He writes songs with so much feeling, I take that sort of emotion and put it into my lyrics and performance but write my lyrics in a more relatable fashion unlike Justin who writes in a more metaphorical way.
If you had to collaborate with an artist for a song, who would you like it to be most?
Rolf Harris... jokes. Well, he is a mighty fine musician - i'll give him that haha! But someone with access to a huge orchestra and a massive sound... I'm not going to lie, collabering with Muse would be TOO MUCH FUN.
I love rolf harris, saw him at Glastonbury this year, probably one of the highlights of the weekend. He has his own rapper. Did you know that?
WHUT! Why was I not aware of this!! I pray to god there is evidence on youtube.
What I'm trying to say Jess, is that it's hard to make it in the business without a rapper.
I'm gon' get me one of those
How famous do you think you will be in six months time?
ahh I doubt I'll be famous in 6 months - it would be nice. I think getting anywhere big with my music will take me a good year or two, need to learn the business before I jump straight in and get bewildered by fame!
I've ran out of ideas for things to ask you, so I'm going to wrap this up nicely with a little piece of advice and a sly request. 1. Never, no matter how much they pay you do an interview with Heat magazine. 2. Can I interview you again in a years time?
Yes you can interview me again!!! I'll stay clear from Heat magazine - I'm pretty sure I've only even seen one on the telly. Thank You for questioning me Holly Stewart!! Love you long time, pahah.
Wow! This is a great interview and even though I obviously don't know Jess as well as you do, I find it weird that someone I know is going to be a famous musician. And an amazing one too! =)
ReplyDeleteShe's lots talented! ...and is that a winking dog?