Does merry christmas have a capital? Or is it merry Christmas? Well unfortunately for you, dear reader, discussing grammar is not the point of this blog thing, which would be much more interesting than anything else I could ever write, sorry.
Today (or yesterday rather) was Christmas day, a time for Doctor Who, bickering and eating/drinking too much. Some things are typical of every family at Christmas, your mother spends the day beside the oven crying because the turkey is still pink and the potatoes have burnt. Father spends the day trying to build the gifts/tat that someone bought as a last resort from argos and your older brother lies in bed until 1pm due to getting too "merry" the night before.
This Christmas I decided to do something different however, and thus at 3pm I switched BBC1 on to watch The Queen's speech. She said everything I imagined she would say ("this year has been difficult for many people, with the recession and Afghanistan") so watching her speech proved a bit pointless. I was expecting something incredible, like one of those amazing speeches that civil rights campaigners do on old films, not a little old lady standing in front of a badly decorated Christmas tree telling me what I already knew and judging by the size of her pearl earrings, I highly doubt she's been affected by the recession. So that's something I won't be watching next year, unless she turns into a lizard or something.
I also ended up drinking pints of alcoholic beverage today to try drown out my Christmas gloom. There is currently 5 glasses and one jam jar (couldn't be bothered cleaning a glass) in my bedroom that I drank out of today and I'm typing this stone cold sober. Note to self for next year: buy either whisky, vodka or pure ethanol.
So yeah, Happy Christmas guys, thank you for reading.
ps. yeah I did receive Henry VIII: Man & Monarch and yes I'm thrilled.
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