Each year around April thousands of people "Like" facebook groups like the ones above. It makes me sad that every year mid August I feel winter approaching, and thus get overly exited about Christmas and begin singing things about sleigh bells, wobbly bellies and warm fires. Today is August the 27th, I'm still the colour of slightly off milk and I haven't spend nights under the stars, haven't been to one beer garden nor have I participated in one water fight. Summer is rubbish.
In England, we will never ever experience on of those American summers that you see in films like The Notebook or Blue Crush. How come in those films everyone knows how to drive? No one ever runs out of money and everyone has unlimited golden coloured friends who are always free for socialising. In every summer holiday I've ever had ever there has always been a period of "oh, all my friends are on holiday. I'm going to make myself busy by studying and reading... Actually sitting on facebook and eating beans on toast is a lot easier, so i'll just do that."
Exams more or less dominate your summer
As soon as you leave college at the end of June you're all like "woaah guys, lets make this a summer to remember!" but then you get home to find your mum going crazy about university, "if you don't go to an amazing one i'll chop your head off" (she's scottish- go figure) and your results day slowly looms closer and closer. Whilst you don't exactly care about your results too much, you find yourself lost in a wave of stress and fear over the pressure to succeed. Your parents happily stress you out daily, by ordering prospectuses and waking you up on Saturday mornings screaming "I'VE FOUND ANOTHER COURSE THAT'S PERFECT FOR YOU." Your parents also assume that you're extremelly bright (note my spelling of extremelly) and believe you're going to be applying for Durham, Warwick and St Andrews. In secret you google Oxford Brookes and Chichester.
You regret buying shorts and mini dresses in May because you're still wearing your fur coat and boots from last winter
As I said earlier, it's really cold. I'm currently wearing a wooly beret, tights, dress, dressing gown and thick socks. This isn't because I'm a weirdo (I am a weirdo, but this has nothing to do with what I'm wearing) it'sbecause it's really really cold. My summers of waterfights, beer gardens and camping under the stars usually dissolve into "Cinema on Wednesday?" "yeah cool."
That picturesque idea your mum had of you all on holiday turned into a grey, overcast week of non-stop fear and making yourself unattractive in photos for the lols -

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